
NICS Cryptography Library

NICS Crypto is a cryptography library written in Java, which extends Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) to support non-traditional cryptographic primitives,…

Design of a Distributed Intrusion Reaction System Employing Intel vPro Technology

We have implemented a preliminary version of the design proposed in in order to demonstrate how the solution performs in…

Anonymous Age Verification

A Trust and Reputation Framework for Models@run.time

We developed a trust and reputation framework that developers can use to implement trust and reputation models. The framework is…

Integration of OpenID Attribute Exchange with Proxy Re-Encryption

DESCRIPTION This project integrates OpenID Attribute Exchange with a Proxy Re-Encryption scheme . This software provides: OpenID Provider with support…

NICS Secure Events Log Tool

NICSeventsLog is a tool that allows to copy data from one directory (logs directory) to the Intel AMT device. The…

Security and QoS Tradeoff (SQT) Tool

The Security and QoS Tradeoff (SQT) tool is based on a pre-defined set of parameters and relationships defined at a…


DEPHISIT Platform is composed of a set of libraries and services developed in different languages (Java, Node.JS and C/C++) over…

Recommender System for Privacy Solutions in the Smart Grid

We present an expert system based on a Bayesian network to advise a Smart Grid developer on how to introduce…

CRAT software – Agents for Intrusion Detection for OMNET++ (v.5.3)

The solution changes the behaviour of the UE nodes to implement the following features : Change the behaviour of a…

MOTAM Platform

MOTAM Platform All the developments made by NICS Lab in MOTAM project are published on NICS Lab Github repositories. The main…

Industrial Anomaly Detection Framework

Description An industrial anomaly detection framework is presented in , which is based on the Opinion Dynamics technique. Basically, the framework…