Anonymous Attribute Certificates based on Traceable Signatures

TitleAnonymous Attribute Certificates based on Traceable Signatures
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2006
AuthorsV. Benjumea, J. Lopez, and J. M. Troya
JournalInternet Research
Place PublishedAnonymous attribute certificates were introduced by Benjumea et. al (Benjumea, 2004) in order to integrate anonymity capabilities in the standardized X.509 attribute certificates. That solution was based on the use of fair-blind signatures, but did not ex
ISSN Number1066-2243

  In Benjumea et. al (Benjumea, 2004) we introduced the concept of anonymousattribute certificates in order to integrate anonymity capabilities in the standardizedX.509 attribute certificates. That solution was based on the use of fair-blind signatures(Stadler, 1995), but did not explore further possibilities of constructing similar datastructures based on more advanced signature schemes. In this new work, we propose anew type of anonymous attribute certificates that is based on the more recently proposedtraceable signature scheme (Kiayias, 2004a), providing a new anonymous authorizationsolution with interesting features that were not covered in the aforementioned scheme.Thus, this new solution allows users to make use of their attribute certificates in ananonymous way, but under certain circumstances it allows to disclose the users’ identities,trace the transactions carried out by any specific user, or revoke any anonymousattribute certificate. An additional contribution of this work is that it pays special attentionto the preservation of the unlinkability property between transactions, makingimpossible the creation of anonymous user profiles.

Citation KeyVicenteBenjumea2006a
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