Suitability of a Classical Analysis Method for E-Commerce Protocols

TitleSuitability of a Classical Analysis Method for E-Commerce Protocols
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsS. Gurgens, and J. Lopez
Conference NameIV International Information Security Conference (ISC’01)
Series TitleLNCS
Date PublishedOctober
Conference LocationMalaga, Spain

We present the adaptation of our model for the validation ofkey distribution and authentication protocols to address speci c needsof protocols for electronic commerce. The two models defer in both thethreat scenario and in the formalization. We demonstrate the suitabilityof our adaptation by analyzing a speci c version of the Internet BillingServer protocol introduced by Carnegie Mellon University. Our analysisshows that, while the security properties a key distribution or authenticationprotocol shall provide are well understood, it is often not clearwhat properties an electronic commerce protocol can or shall provide.Our methods rely on automatic theorem proving tools. Speci cally, weused Øtter", an automatic theorem proving software developed at ArgonneNational Laboratories.

Citation KeySigridGuergens2001
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