Timeout Estimation using a Simulation Model for Non-repudiation Protocols

TitleTimeout Estimation using a Simulation Model for Non-repudiation Protocols
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2004
AuthorsM. Carbonell, J. A. Onieva, J. Lopez, D. Galpert, and J. Zhou
Conference Name2nd Workshop on Internet Communications Security (WICS’04), (within Computational Science and its Applications International Conference)
Series TitleLNCS
Date PublishedMay

An essential issue for the best operation of non-repudiation protocols is to figure out their timeouts. In this paper, we propose a simulation model for this purpose since timeouts depend on specific scenario features such as network speed, TTP characteristics, number of originators and recipients, etc. Based on a one-to-many Markowicth’s protocol simulation model as a specific example, we have worked out various simulation experiments.

Citation KeyMildreyCarbonell2004
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