SealedGRID: A Secure Interconnection of Technologies for Smart Grid Applications

TitleSealedGRID: A Secure Interconnection of Technologies for Smart Grid Applications
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsA. Farao, J. E. Rubio, C. Alcaraz, C. Ntantogian, C. Xenakis, and J. Lopez
Conference Name14th International Conference on Critical Information Infrastructures Security (CRITIS 2019)
Date Published12/2019
PublisherSpringer, Cham
ISBN Number978-3-030-37669-7

In recent years, the Smart Grid has increasingly integrated cutting-edge technologies that generate several benefits for all the stakeholders involved, such as a more accurate billing system and enhanced Demand Response procedures. However, this modernization also brings with it diverse cyber security and privacy issues, which sets the necessity for developing a security platform specifically tailored to this scenario. In this paper, we present SealedGRID, which proposes a flexible architecture that provides security services at all levels by implementing Trusted Execution Environments on their devices, together with advanced authentication and authorization mechanisms, as well as privacy preserving techniques. These technologies are presented in depth and a final security analysis is conducted, which highlights the contributions of this project.

Citation Key1815
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Supported by SealedGRID